Susan Yarrow

Susan Yarrow
Susan Yarrow was born and brought up in England. After qualifying as a teacher of the Alexander Technique, she moved to Rome, Italy, and set up her own private practice.

In 1998 she gained a Certificate in Office Ergonomics from the University of Berkeley, California. While continuing to teach the Alexander Technique, she now also works as ergonomic adviser to several U.N. agencies based in Rome, where her tasks include:

  • assessing workstations
  • showing staff how to carry out everyday operations with less strain and greater productivity
  • recommending any necessary changes to furniture and equipment

Susan Yarrow is available to provide the benefit of her experience to Rome-based businesses and organisations employing computer operators. Consultancy takes the form of workstation assessment, group instruction or other types of training to be discussed. Please contact her by e-mail to arrange an appointment.